2021 |
December 17, 2021. The hight quality level of the Internet access service in the
URAN network was confirmed by tests of the State Enterprise «Ukrainian State Center of Radio
Frequencies». See the Test report
(in Ukrainian). |
September 14, 2021. Two GEANT channels terminated on routers in
Chisinau (Moldova) and Poznan (Poland) have been put into operation. For this
purpose, the rights to use two wavelengths from the common DWDM pool in
fiber-optic communication lines in both directions have been acquired. The
URAN router in Kyiv is connected to each of the channels at a speed of 100 Gbps with the possibility
of increasing the bandwidth to 400 Gbps with the appropriate replacement of transceiver modules.
Read more on Panorama.URAN. |
May 26, 2021. The webinar "eduGAIN - your key to
international scientific and educational services" took place.
See archives. |
March 25, 2021. The webinar "Online learning and communication services for science and
education" took place. Practical aspects of working with services eduMEET
and WebClass (general information, demonstration of work).
See archives. |
February 12, 2021. The URAN Association General Meeting took place in Kyiv.
See archives. |
February 5, 2021. In the Odessa city segment of the URAN
network, a connection using CWDM technology was introduced for the first time.
A PON (Passive Optic Network) fragment was built with the ability to switch
from the current speed of 1 Gbps to 10 Gbps. |
December 17, 2020. The webinar "What is an NREN and what are its benefits" was held by URAN
Association with the support of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, the GÉANT Association,
as well as partners in the EU-funded EaPConnect project.
See archives. |
October 21, 2020. The most powerful DDoS attack on the Igor Sikorsky KPI network during its existence,
the traffic of which passes through the URAN network, was repulsed. Parasitic traffic reached 18 Gbps.
A statement about the crime was sent to the cyber police. |
July 14, 2020. The channel to the pan-European research and education network
GÉANT with a connection point in Vienna has been expanded
from 10 to 20 Gbps. Such an extension, in particular, will provide researchers at the Kharkiv Institute of Physics
and Technology with additional opportunities to process experimental data from the Large Hadron Collider
by increasing the speed of interconnection with the specialized LHCONE network. |
July 1, 2020. The EaPConnect project has been extended.
Its second phase EaPConnect2 with a planned 5-year run is funded under the EU4Digital initiative. |
March 23, 2020. The eduMEET service, a platform for video conferencing from
the GÉANT project, has been introduced. It has only basic functionality, but due to this it does not overload
the processor and works quickly on any device (computer, smartphone, tablet, etc.). It is ideal for quick group meetings,
as the simple interface does not require training of participants. Unlike the more versatile
WebClass, it does not require registration via eduGAIN, i.e. access to eduMEET is open
to anyone. During the quarantine due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the eduMEET service will be provided free of charge. |
March 13, 2020. In view of the pandemic of the coronavirus and supporting the efforts of the world and national communities to curb
the spread of the disease, the URAN Association puts some of its staff in remote mode. This will in no way affect the
performance of our services. To maintain additional service stability during quarantine, we suspend any work on rebuilding
and improving the network architecture, except in the case of critical maintenance. The technical department will
continue to provide customer support. As always, we take calls on +380 44 204-9816
and respond promptly to messages sent to

The administrative staff will mainly work from home and communicate with clients online - via email, messengers, etc.
For any organizational or administrative questions you can contact us by email

Human health is the highest priority. We monitor WHO reports and information from the Government of Ukraine on the
development of the pandemic and act on their recommendations. The issue of holding an annual general meeting will be resolved
later, depending on the situation.
We stay in touch and wish you good health. |
September 2019. A new information site URAN
https://panorama.uran.ua/ is introduced.
It will publish news, discussions, information about conferences, webinars and
other events in the world of telecommunications and NRENs, experience of
cooperation with Ukrainian members of the URAN Association and partner NRENs
of other countries, as well as progress in joint international projects. |
July 12, 2019. A Ukrainian PMP (Performance Measurement Platform) server
has been commissioned. This service is one of the projects of GÉANT and is designed to measure
the main network indicators between the nodes of the GÉANT network to monitor the network status
and find problem areas. |
July 3, 2019. The eduroam managed IdP service
is introduced for connecting small scientific and educational institutions to eduroam, the global system of Wi-Fi
roaming. The Institute of Magnetism of the National Academy of Sciences and the Ministry of
Education and Science of Ukraine and the Mykolayiv Astronomical Observatory
are connected to the eduroam with this technology. An eduroam access point
installed at the Mykolayiv Observatoryis is displayed on
the global map. |
April 23, 2019. The URAN Association General Meeting took place in Kyiv.
See archives. |
March 15, 2019. The Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine
together with the Ukrainian Institute of Scientific and Technical Expertise and Information held
a conference "National Repository of Academic Texts and Digital Services of Open Science" within
the framework of the Open Government Week. Ye. Preobrazhenskyi, the head of the technical department
of URAN Association, told about the URAN and GÉANT digital services, their usefulness for
education and science.
See archives. |

September 2018. Odessa National A. Popov Academy of Telecommunications (ONAT) was connected to
the eduroam project. ONAT provides eduroam access at 18 hotspots in Odessa. |
September 4, 2018. URAN established a peering with the well-known American company
Cloudflare which provides CDN (Content
Delivery Network) services, DDoS attack elimination, Internet security services. For URAN users
this means quick access to a very large number of WEB-resources (about 6 million websites)
that use the Cloudflare CDN service. |
August, 2018. With ÅàPÑînnect project’s support, URAN purchased and
placed into service the carrier-grade core router Juniper MX-240w which is
capable of packet routing with 1.5 Tbps total bandwidth of aggregated traffic.
See the Press Release for details. |
August 9, 2018. A workshop on new URAN Association service, the Penetration Test,
was held. The workshop was organized as on-line conference. There were representatives of the leading Ukrainian
universities from different cities (Kyiv, Kherson, Zaporizhia, Lutsk, Pokrovsk etc.) among the participants.
The workshop discussed the benefits of the Penetration Test to check the network security and the basic
principles of the service, looked for answers to topical issues in this regard. |
June 2018. National Aviation University (NAU) was connected to the eduroam project.
In Kyiv, there are 8 new access points that customers of the eduroam service can use from now. |
May 4, 2018. The 1st round proposals of the Enlighten Your Research
EYR @ EaP2018 have been completed. The authors of the 6 projects from Ukraine are invited to
submit the final proposals. |
April 26, 2018. The URAN Association General Meeting took place in Kyiv.
See archives. |
March 2018. The renewed videoconferencing
service WebClass on the basis of BigBlueButton 2.0 located on the cloud computing
platform OpenStack URAN is put into operation. With this service, on March 20, 2018, the
Department of Education and Science of the Kyiv Regional State Administration held an on-line
meeting with heads of structural units. The total number of participants were 46. This is the
maximum number of subscribers simultaneously taking part in the videoconference, for the
entire time of the existence of this URAN service. |
January 2018. Within the framework of the EaPConnect project,
a new FileSender service has been deployed
to send large volumes of data using connection over eduGAIN access.
Identity Providers (IdP) of the NRENs of Moldova, Georgia and Armenia have
already joined the service. |
December 2017. Within the framework of the EaPConnect project, a batch of servers for the URAN
network was received and their customs clearance was carried out. Due to the new equipment installed in the
Main URAN networking operating center the prices for provision of virtual dedicated computers are reduced.
See Additional Telecommunication Services. |
December 20, 2017. URAN Association in cooperation with
the Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute has conducted the workshop
"eduroam and other services URAN" with the possibility of participation both in
person in the classroom and online connection through the URAN video conferencing server.
See archives. |
November 2017. URAN has developed projects for the deployment of Wi-Fi networks with the
eduroam zone for Ukrainian Clinical Medical Rehabilitation Cardiac Surgery Center
of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine and for Kyiv palace of children and youth.
Technical documentation is delivered to the customers. |
September 2017. Ukrainian Clinical Medical Rehabilitation Cardiac Surgery Center of the Ministry
of Health of Ukraine is connected to URAN network by an optic link in Kyiv. |
August 2017. National Defence University of Ukraine named after Ivan Cherniakhovskyi
is connected to URAN network by 10 Gbps optic link in Kyiv. The University is
a leading military educational institution in Ukraine, a participant of the
Defence Education Enhancement Programme (DEEP). |
April 27, 2017. The URAN Association General Meeting took place in Kyiv.
See archives. |
October 24, 2016. The URAN Association extraordinary General Meeting took place in Kyiv.
A new edition of Articles of the URAN Association was adopted.
See archives. |
July 5, 2016. A litigation against
the State Tax Inspectorate in Solomenskiy district of the city of Kyiv concerning the
tax claims unlawfully carry away the URAN Association in 2013 is completed
by the decision of the Supreme Court of Ukraine. |
June 2016. The new videoconference service based
on BigBlueButton software is implemented to URAN network. It replaces the old system
Tixeo. |
May 2016. URAN under the relevant GÉANT international project has established
a new network service of eduroam that allows users from participating
institutions to gain secure access to wireless network access using their standard
username/password credentials as they do at their home institution for wireless access. |
April 21, 2016. The URAN Association General Meeting took place in Kyiv.
See archives. |
February 2016. National Yanovsky Institute of tuberculosis and pulmonology
of the Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine is connected to URAN network
by 10 Gbps optic link in Kyiv. |
December 2015. URAN Association along NGO "ELibUkr",
Vernadsky National Library of Ukraine and Maksymovych Scientific Library of the
Kyiv Taras Shevchenko National University established the
e-VERUM Consortium which main
goal is to improve the provision of electronic information resources for universities
and research institutions in Ukraine, to increase the productivity of scientists
and the number of publications in leading scientific journals, to boost Ukrainian
science in the international rankings. |
August 2015. Four buildings of te State South Ukrainian Ushinsky Pedagogical
University are connected to URAN network by optic fiber in Odessa. |
July 2015. Start of the project EaPConnect
where URAN Association participates. The project aims to:
- establish and operate a high-capacity broadband internet network for research and
education (R&E) across six EaP partner countries in the EU’s Eastern Neighbourhood:
Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Moldova and Ukraine;
- integrate the national research and education networks (NRENs) in the region into
the pan-European GÉANT network; decrease the digital divide;
- facilitate participation of local scientists, students and academics in global R&E
- deploy eduroam and stimulate integration towards GÉANT services.

September 2014. As a result of the Russian occupation of Donbass functioning
of URAN network is suspended in Donetsk. |
August 2014. A network service of PEANO Identity
Federation for Science and Education is establised based on eduGAIN
GÉANT service. |
May 2014. As a result of the Russian occupation of Crimea functioning of URAN
network is suspended in Simferopol and Sevastopol. |
April 4, 2014. URAN Publishing Service LLC
is established. |
December 2013. National Amosov Institute of Cardiovascular Surgery of the
Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine
is connected to URAN network by 10 Gbps optic link in Kyiv. |
July 2013. URAN has established a new service of
DOI (Digital Object Identifiers) registration provided
to scientific publications and used particularly in the information system CrossRef.
DOI enables to CrossRef automatic tracking of citations in publications. |
April 23, 2013. The URAN Association General Meeting took place in Kyiv.
See archives. |
April 2013. The National Academy of Public Administration under the President
of Ukraine (Kyiv) joined the UniverFi project. |
February 2013. Gasoline generator automatic backup power supply is implemented
at the URAN central node in Kyiv. |
January 2013. An Information System Journals.URAN
is created in the frame of the project "Scientific Periodicals of Ukraine".
URAN has introduced a new service that allows publishers to deploy a fully functional virtual
journal server attendant the full life cycle of scientific journals, from submitting
of manuscripts by authors to obtaining of statistical scientometric information on
published articles. |