EU4Digital: Connecting Research
and Education Communities (EaPConnect)
The project delivers
digital infrastructure and solutions to the research and
education communities in the Eastern Partnership (EaP) countries: Armenia,
Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, the Republic of Moldova and Ukraine:
- establishing and operating a high-capacity broadband Internet network for research and education;
- integrating the national research and education networks with the pan-European GÉANT network,
decreasing the digital divide;
- facilitating the participation of EaP scientists, students and academics in global R&E collaborations;
- deploying services that facilitate this global collaboration, and stimulating integration with
GÉANT and other European e-infrastructure services;
- building knowledge, skills and community through workshops, training, mentorships, conferences
and other events and initiatives.
Funding and coordination
With the Eastern Partnership the EU offers its partners in the Eastern Neighbourhood concrete,
far-reaching support for democratic reform, sustainable development and overall stability.
It recognises the importance of e-Infrastructures in bridging the digital
divide and bringing its partners closer to the EU.
Now in its second 5-year phase, EaPConnect
is funded within the EU4Digital initiative of
the European Union under Grant Agreement
No ENI/2019/407-452.
EU4Digital promotes key areas of the digital economy and society, in line with EU norms and practices.
The European Commission's Directorate General for Neighbourhoods and Enlargements Negotiations
is contributing 95% (€10M) towards the project costs; the remaining 5% is being co-funded by the six beneficiary countries.
EaPConnect and its services are free at the point of use.
EaPConnect is managed by networking organisation GÉANT
in collaboration with
the NRENs in the six partner countries.
The first EaPConnect
project was officially inaugurated at the 1st Eastern Partnership Ministerial Meeting on the Digital Economy and was launched
in July 2015 with a duration of five years. The second project began on 1 July 2020 and will run until the end of June 2025.
Related documents
December 24, 2020 |
Реєстраційна картку проекту № 4618, видана
Асоціації УРАН Кабінетом міністерів України при реєстрації другої фази проекту EapConnect2 (файл .pdf, 557 k).
Registration card # 4618 concerning the EaPConnect2 project second phase issued to the URAN Association by
the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine |
December 17, 2019 |
Grant contract «EaP Connect2»
betwen EU, GÉANT Limited and EaP partner countries (.pdf file, 9 M).
Див. також український переклад (файл .pdf,
2.8 M) |
1st phase of the project:

High-speed Internet network for research cooperation
in the Eastern Partnership countries announced
DANTE Ltd., Luxembourg. Press release, 11 June 2015
Launched in July 2015, the
Eastern Partnership Connect (EaPConnect) project
aims to:
- establish and operate a high-capacity broadband internet network for research and education (R&E) across six EaP
partner countries in the EU’s Eastern Neighbourhood: Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Moldova and Ukraine;
- integrate the national research and education networks (NRENs) in the region into the pan-European GÉANT network;
decrease the digital divide;
- facilitate participation of local scientists, students and academics in global R&E collaborations;
- deploy eduroam and stimulate integration towards GÉANT services.
By interconnecting the R&E communities across the region and with their European counterparts, EaPConnect will create
a gateway for talented individuals in the EaP countries to be truly global players.
Funding and organisation
With the Eastern Partnership the EU offers its partners in the Eastern Neighbourhood concrete, far-reaching support
for democratic reform, sustainable development and overall stability. It recognises the importance of e-infrastructures
in bridging the digital divide and bringing its partners closer to the EU.
The European Commission’s Directorate-General for Neighbourhood and Enlargements Negotiations (DG NEAR) is contributing
95% (€13m) towards the cost of the EaPConnect project, providing funding under Grant Agreement 2015-356353; the remaining 5%
is being co-funded by the six beneficiary countries.
The project was officially inaugurated at the 1st Eastern Partnership Ministerial Meeting on the Digital Economy
and is expected to have a duration of five years. EaPConnect is managed by networking organisation GÉANT in
collaboration with the NRENs in the six partner countries.
Related documents
Febryary 28, 2018 |
Procurement and Contract Regulations in the frame of EaPCconnect project /
Правила проведення закупівель та укладання контрактів в рамках проекту EaPCconnect |
May 10, 2017 |
Реєстраційна картку проекту № 3512, видана Асоціації УРАН Міністерством економічного розвитку і торгівлі України
при реєстрації проекту EapConnect (файл .pdf, 417 k).
Registration card # 3512 concerning the EaPConnect project issued to the URAN
Association by the Ministry of Economic Development and Trade of Ukraine |
November 9, 2016 |
Request for the registration of the EaP connect project
from the EU to the Ministry of Economic Development and Trade of Ukraine (.pdf file, 71 k).
Запит щодо реєстрації проекту EapConnect від Євросоюзу до Міністерства економічного розвитку і торгівлі України |
August 31, 2016 |
Лист щодо підтримки проекту EapConnect
від Міністерства освіти і науки України до Міністерства економічного розвитку і торгівлі (файл .pdf, 1.1 M).
The EaPConnect project support letter from the Ministry of Education and Sciences of Ukraine
to the Ministry of Economic Development and Trade of Ukraine. |
October 8-12, 2015 |
EaPConnect Consortium Agreement
betwen the project coordinator GÉANT Ltd. and NRENs of partner
countries (.pdf file, 1.4 M).
Див. також український переклад (файл .pdf, 361 k) |
June 11, 2015 |
Grant contract «EaP Connect»
betwen EU, GÉANT Limited and six EaP partner countries in the EU’s Eastern Neighbourhood:
Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Moldova and Ukraine (.pdf file, 8 M).
Див. також український переклад (файл .pdf, 4.4 M) |