News and activities from 2022

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Overview of events around URAN: news, discussions, conferences, webinars
and other events in the world of telecommunications and NRENs
as well as the progress of joint international projects


July 18, 2024. A new 16 kW water-cooled HYUNDAI diesel generator is installed in the central node of the URAN network at the Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute. The generator was purchased with donations from GÉANT members and the GÉANT Association itself through the Vietsch Foundation as aid for the restoration of the Ukrainian Research and Academi Network URAN. See the Press Release for details.
June 2024. The second batch of 105 laptops from the Сomputer Aid was handed over by the URAN Foundation to Ukrainian scientists and educators.
April 27, 2024. The URAN Association extraordinary General Meeting took place in Kyiv. A new edition of Articles of the URAN Association was adopted. See archives.
April 18, 2024. Integrated Information Protection Systems in the Data processing center of the URAN network and in the Secure Internet access node received Certificates of Compliance, registered by the State Service for Special Communications and Information Protection of Ukraine.
March 2024. The URAN Foundation provided 65 Lenovo laptops to 16 scientific and educational institutions in the east and south of Ukraine, which were prepared and delivered from Great Britain to Ukraine by the charity Computer Aid. The funds for them were collected by European NRENs, members of the GÉANT Association, which they contributed to the Vietsch Foundation.


October 10, 2022. As a result of the Russian missile attack, the operability of the URAN network has been disrupted: due to a voltage drop in the power grid, the communication equipment in the data center and the backup generator failed. Since in the conditions of martial law it is impossible to quickly purchase server components to replace damaged ones, URAN specialists are working on their repair and restoration.
On October 12, the network's data transmission channels were restored.
On October 14, DNS servers started working.
On October 16, the operation of the disk storage in the data center was adjusted.
On October 17, the functioning of the URAN network and data center was fully restored.
On October 27, the backup power generator was restored.
April 2022. GÉANT Association and Vietsch Foundation have launched a special project. Thanks to this initiative, URAN will be able to maintain the Ukrainian National Research and Education Network (NREN), even in the unstable financial conditions of wartime. Funds donated by the European NRENs will be used primarily to cover URAN’s operational costs for network support. This will ensure the further provision of URAN services to R&E institutions of Ukraine during the war. In the future, the funds will be used to replace network equipment that was destroyed or lost during the war – and thus ensure the recovery of Ukrainian research and education as soon as possible.
April 23, 2022. The URAN and Leo Foundations launched a joint charity project "ArtBucha" - the children's drawing online gallery to help residents of Bucha and other areas affected by the Russian occupation. The project aims to encourage young artists and teachers of their art schools to cultivate their talents despite war and destruction
April 5, 2022. With a sense of great loss, the staff of the URAN Association reports that our colleague, head of the URAN International relations department, director of URAN Charitable Foundation Vyacheslav Shkarupin died after a difficult and crippling illness. We express our deepest condolences to his family and friends.
March 18, 2022. The EC Directorate Generale Neighbourhood and Enlargement Negotiations (DG NEAR) formally notified GEANT of the decision, following the involvement of Belarus in the Russian military aggression in Ukraine, to suspend all planned and ongoing programmes and activities with the participation of Belarusian public authorities and state-owned enterprises. As the result of this decision BASNET (the United Institute of Informatics Problems of National Academy of Sciences of Belarus (UIIP NASB)) ceased to be a co-beneficiary of the EaPConnect project.

About the work of the URAN Association under martial law

  1. З першого дня війни ми працюємо у підсиленому режимі, підтримуючі роботу мережі та послуг. Мережа УРАН працює стабільно за винятком декількох ділянок, де активні бойові дії не дають можливості полагодити обладнання. Проблеми є за напрямками Харків і Миколаїв.
  2. Наш офіс у Києві поки що закритий, ми працюємо віддалено, тому не маємо можливості відповідати на дзвінки за робочими телефонними номерами. Найкращим каналом зв’язку з нами є електронна адреса
    Крім того, ми створили Телеграм-канал, де ви можете залишати повідомлення. Посилання на канал Якщо ви не отримали відповіді на своє запитання миттєво, це означає, що ми в бомбосховищі – і відповімо за першої ж нагоди. Просимо поставитися до цього з розумінням.
  3. Нагадуємо, що у вашому розпорядженні є послуга для онлайн-спілкування eduMEET, яку ми на даний час надаємо безкоштовно. Переходьте за посиланням, створюйте віртуальну кімнату, запрошуйте до неї співрозмовників (надайте їм посилання з адресної строки браузеру) – та спілкуйтеся з колегами і рідними. Побачити та почути одне одного у ці часи – безцінно. Налагодити спільну роботу, перебуваючи у різних місцях, – цілком можливо та потрібно для підтримки і відновлення українського суспільства.
  4. Для покращення роботи eduMEET ми зробили його оновлення. Тепер послугою зручно користуватися з мобільного телефону (раніше були проблеми). Детальніше про те, що саме змінилося в результаті оновлення, зазначено в розділі Відеоконференції eduMEET.