News and activities 2006-2012


December 2012. High performance computing centre of NTUU "Kyiv Polytechnic Institute" and Kyiv National Taras Shevchenko university are connected to URAN network on 10 Gbps bandwidth by optic fiber in Kyiv.

November 2012. The 2 hostels of Kyiv National University of Technology and Design are connected to URAN network by optic fiber in Kyiv.

October 2012. The 2 educational buildings of Odessa State Agriculture University are connected to URAN network by optic fiber in Odessa.

October 2012. The URAN central node is moved from the State Agency of Ukraine on Science,  Innovations and informatization (Kyiv, Shevchenko Ave., 16) to NTUU "Kyiv Polytechnic Institute" (Politekhnichna St., 33). Hot standby 10 Gbps router is put into operation.

September 2012. The Donetsk State University of Administration joined the UniverFi project.

September 12, 2012. IPv6 routing is imlemented. IPv6 connects are established with world segment, GÉANT, UA-IX.

June 2012. The Kyiv National Linguistic University and the Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics joined the UniverFi project.

April 2012. The educational building of the Kyiv National University of Technology and Design is connected to URAN network by optic fiber in Kyiv.

April 18, 2012. The URAN Association General Meeting took place in Kyiv. See archives.

February 2012. The 2 educational buildings of Donetsk National Technic University are connected to URAN network by optic fibers in Donetsk.

January 2012. The channel Kyiv-Poltava is upgraded to 1 Gbps.


December 2011. Hostels of Poltava National Korolenko Pedagogical University was connected.

November 2011. The UniverFi project - providing free WiFi Internet service in university campus - is started in National Dragomanov Pedagogical University (Kyiv).

October 2011. Service of virtual hosting (VPS) based on Xen software is realized. See Additionnal services.

September 2011. The Kyiv National Linguistic University and the Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics are connected to URAN network by optic fiber in Kyiv.

April 2011. The Videoconference service is implemented to URAN network. Based on Tixeo software it allows sessions with participation up to 30 users.

April 2011. The National University of Food Technologies is connected to URAN network by optic fiber in Kyiv.

April 19, 2011. The URAN Association General Meeting took place in Kyiv. See archives.

April 2011. The Odessa State A.V.Nezhdanova Musical Academy is connected to URAN network by optic fiber in Odessa.

April 2011. The channel Kyiv - Kamianets-Podilsky is upgraded to 100 Mbps.

March 2011. The Yu.Bugai International Scientific and Technical University and complex of hostels of National Dragomanov Pedagogical University are connected to URAN network by optic fibers in Kyiv.

January 2011. The Kherson State Nautical Institute, the Kherson National Technical University, the Kherson State Agriculture University, the Academy of Intellectual Technologies, the Kherson branch of the National admiral Makarov University of Shipbuilding, the Kherson Regional O.Gonchar Universal Scientific Library are connected to URAN network by optic fibers in Kherson.


December 2010. The channel URAN-GÉANT via URAN's fiber optic line Lviv - Rava-Ruska - Hrebenne (Poland) is upgraded from 1 to 10 Gbps.

December 2010. The Kyiv-Mykolaiv 100 Mbps channel is put into operation and the Scientific and research institution "Mykolaiv astronomic observatory", the Mykolaiv regional institute of the postdiploma pedagogic education, the National admiral Makarov University of Shipbuilding are connected to URAN network by optic fibers.

November 2010. The channels Kyiv-Kmelnitsky and Kyiv-Dnipropetrovsk are upgraded to 1 Gbps.

November 10, 2010. The main router Juniper MX-80 having a capacity of 40 Gbps is put into operation at the URAN central node in Kyiv.

October 2010. The Kyiv - Kamianets-Podilsky 30 Mbps channel is put into operation and the Kamianets-Podilsky I.Ohienko National University, the State Agrarian and Engineering University in Podilya, the Department of Education of the city of Kamianets-Podilsky are connected to URAN network by optic fibers.

September 2010. The Kyiv-Lutsk 100 Mbps channel is put into operation and the Volyn National Technic University is connected to URAN network by optic fibers.

July 2010. The Kurdiumov Institute for Physics of Metals of NASU, the Institute of Magnetism of NASU and MESU, the V.I.Vernadsky Institute of General and Inorganic Chemistry of NASU, the Institute of Environmental Geochemistry of NASU, the S.I.Subbotin Institute of Geophysics of NASU are connected to URAN network by optic fibers in Kyiv.

June 2010. The Odessa State Agriculture University is connected to URAN network by optic fiber in Odessa.

May 2010. The 4 educational buildings and the hostel of Donetsk State University of Administration and The Donetsk State Gorky Medical University are connected to URAN network by optic fibers in Donetsk.

April 2010. The Kharkiv State University of Food and Commerce (the educational building and the hostel) and the Kharkiv State Institute of Sporting are connected to URAN network by optic fibers in Kharkiv.

April 20, 2009. The URAN Association Genaral Meeting took place in Kyiv. See archives.

March 2010. The hostel of National Transport University is connected to URAN network by optic fibers in Kyiv.

February 2010. Connection to UA-IX is upgraded from 1 to 10 Gbps. The fiber ring in Kyiv UA-IX – MES – KPI – NAU is established.


November 1, 2009. The Fiber optic segment Kyiv-Kherson 1Gbps is put into operation and the Kherson national technical university is connected to URAN network.

October 1, 2009. The Kyiv-Zhytomyr 100 Mbps channel is put into operation and the Zhytomyr military institute of National aviation university is connected to URAN network by optic fibers.

September 1, 2009. The channels Kyiv-Odessa and Kyiv-Kharkiv are upgraded to 1 Gbps.

July 2009. The Sevastopol Central Lev Tolstoy Library is connected to URAN network by optic fibers.

July 2009. The Kyiv State M. Boychuk Institute of Arts and Crafts, the Institute for Information Technology and Means of Training of Academy of Pedagogical Science of Ukraine, the International University for human progress "Ukraine", the education buildings of the National Academy of Public Administration under the President of Ukraine, the educational building of Kyiv National V. Getman University for Economics are connected to URAN network by optic fibers in Kyiv.

June 2009. The Ukrainian State Sientific and Research Institute of carbochemistry, the education building of the National Technic University "Kharkiv polytechnic institute", the M. Zhukovsky National aerospace university, the O. Usikov Institute of the Physics and Electronics of NASU, the State Scientific Centre of Drugs are connected to URAN network by optic fibers in Kharkiv.

May 1, 2009. The leased from UARNET channel Kyiv-Lviv 1 Gbps is put into operation. The URAN- GÉANT channel bandwidth upgraded to 1 Gbps.

April 2009. The College of the National Aviation University is connected to URAN network by optic fibers in Kyiv.

April 2009. The fiber optic segment of URAN Network connecting the intercity node of JSC "Datagroup" and the Institute of Biology of South Seas of NASU is put into operation in Sevastopol. Kyiv- Simferopol 100 Mbps channel leased from JSC "Datagroup" was put into operation, the radio channel Simferopol-Sevastopol is closed off.

April 7, 2009. The URAN Association General Meeting took place in Kyiv. See archives.

February 23-26, 2009. The Science Department of NATO carrying out an audit of URAN Network.


December 2008. The fiber optic segment of URAN Network Lviv-Hrebenne is put into operation. The segment physically connects URAN and PIONIER networks. 1 Gbps channel Lviv-Hrebenne is organized.

November 2008. The fiber optic segment of URAN Network connecting the URAN PoP in Lviv at the National University "Lvivska Polytechnica" and the FO cable Lviv-Hrebenne (Poland) is put into operation.

October 2008. The State Scientific and Technical Library of Ukraine, the Department of Education and Science of the Kyiv City State Administration, the Department of Education and Science of the Kyiv Region State Administration, the O. Bogomolets Institute of Physiology of NASU, the education building of Kyiv National University of Technology and Design, the Institute of Applied System Analysis of Ministry of Edication and Science of Ukraine and of NASU, the Military Institute of Telecommunications and Information Technology of NTUU "Kyiv Polytechnic Institute", the education building of the National Transport University, the Kyiv Palace for Children and Youth are connected to URAN network by optic fibers in Kyiv.

September 2008. An education building of the Odessa National I. Mechnikov University is connected to URAN network by optic fibers in Odessa.

September 15, 2008. The access to electronic scientific journals is provided. The service is established by the courtesy of 15 universities, members of the URAN Association:

  1. National Aviation University, Kyiv
  2. National Transport University, Kyiv
  3. National University "Lvivska Polytechnica"
  4. Odessa National Polytechnic University
  5. Kharkiv National University of Radioelectronics
  6. National Technical University "Kharkiv Polytecnical Institute"
  7. National Yu. Kondartyuk Poltava Technical University
  8. Donetsk National Technical University
  9. State K. Ushinsky South Ukrainian Pedagogical University, Odessa
  10. Donetsk National University
  11. National Technical University of Ukraine "Kyiv Polytechnic Institute"
  12. Kyiv National University of Technology and Design
  13. Zaporizhzhya National University
  14. Kyiv National University of Building and Architecture
  15. Odessa National I. Mechnikov University

January 1, 2008. Kyiv-Lviv and Kyiv-Khmelnitsky 100 Mbps channels leased from JSC "Datagroup" are put into operation. The leased form JSC "Ukrtelecom" kiev-Lviv channel is closed off.


November 2007. Fiber optic segments of URAN Network connecting the Khmelnitsky Institute of humanities, the Khmelnitsky University of Management and Law, the Department of Education and Science of the Khmelnitsky Region State Administration, the Khmelnitsky National University and the intercity node of JSC "Datagroup" is put into operation in Khmelnitsky.

November 1, 2007. The URAN Network is connected to pan-European research network GÉANT. The connection is made to the router in Poznan. The 155 Mbps Kyiv-Warsaw channel is leased form LC "AO COM", the further traffic transport to Poznan is implemented by URAN partner - Polish Consortium of Academic Computer Network and High Performance Computer Centers PIONIER.

October 2007. The fiber optics segments connecting the National University "Lvivska Polytechnica", the Lviv University of Internal Affairs of Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine and the intercity node of JSC "Datagroup" are put into operation in Lviv.

October 2007. The Kyiv National University of Construction and Architecture (3 points), the Kyiv National University of Technologies and Design (5 points), the Academy for Higher Education of Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine and the Kyiv National Transport University are connected to URAN network by optic fibers in Kyiv.

August 2007. The fiber optic channels of URAN Network connectiong the education building of National M. Dragomanov pedagogical University and the Kyiv National University of Construction and Archnitecture are put into operation in Kyiv.

August 2007. The fiber optic segment connecting URAN central node and UA-IX is put into operation in Kyiv.

July 1, 2007. 100 Mbps channel Kyiv-Donetsk leased from JSC "Datagroup" is put into operation.

June 2007. The fiber optic segments of URAN Network connecting the Donetsk S. Prokofyev State Music academy, the Donetsk National University, the Donetsk National Technic University (3 points of connection), the Donetsk M. Tugan-Baranovsky State University of Economics and Market, the Donetsk State University of Management, the Institute of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics of NAS of Ukraine, the Institute of Industrial Economics of NAS of Ukraine, the Donetsk O. Galkin Institute of Physics and Engineering of NAS of Ukraine, the Institute for Physical and Technical Problems of Mining of NAS of Ukraine, the L. Litvinenko Institute of Physical, Organic and Coal Chemistry of NAS of Ukraine and the intercity node of JSC "Datagroup" are put into operation in Donetsk.

May 2007. The Educational buildings of the National Technic University "Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute" (3 points of connection), the National University of Pharmacy, the Kharkiv G. Skovoroda National Pedagogical University, the Kharkiv National Road Transport University, the Kharkiv National Technic University of Agriculture, the Kharkiv State Academy of Art and Design, the S. Grigoriev Institute of Medical Radiology, the Interbranch Institute for Postgraduate Study of NTU "KhPI", the Kharkiv University of Liberal Arts "Narodna Ukrajins'ka Akademija", the Institute of Experimental and Clinical Medicine, the Kharkiv State Academy of Culture and the Ukrainian Engineering and Pedagogical Academy are connected to URAN network by optic fibers in Kharkiv.

April 12, 2007. The URAN Association General Meeting took place in Kyiv. See archives.

April 1, 2007. The 10 Mbps radio channel Simferopol-Sevastopol is put into operation. The leased from JSC "Ukrtelecom" channel Dnepropetrovsk-Sevastopol is closed off.

January 1, 2007. The URAN Association starts own economical activity as a legal body.

January 1, 2007. The 100Mbps channels Kyiv-Dnepropetrovsk, Kyiv- Poltava, Kyiv-Simferopol, Kyiv-Zaporizhzhya, Kyiv-Vinnytsya leased from JSC "Datagroup" are put into operation. The leased from JSC "Ukrtelecom" channels Kyiv-Dnepropetrovsk, Dnepropetrovsk- Zaporizhzhya, Kyiv-Simferopol, Kyiv-Vinnytsya are closed off.


November 2006. Fiber optic segments of URAN Network connecting the Zaporizhzhya State Engineering Academy, the intercity node of JSC "Datagroup", the Zaporizhzhya State Medical University (4 points of connection), the Zaporizhzhya National University and the Zaporizhzhya National Technic University are put into operation in Zaporizhzhya.

November 2006. Fiber optic segments connecting the Crimea Engineer Pedagogical Universityiy, the Ministry of Education and Science of Autonomous Republic of Crimea, the intercity node of JSC "Datagroup" and the Taurida National V. Vernadsky University (6 points of connection) are put into operation in Simferopol.

November 2006. The fiber optic segments connecting the Poltava military telecommunication institute, the University of Consumer’s co-operation of Ukraine, the State Agriculture Academy, the intercity node of JSC "Datagroup", the Poltava Yu. Kondratyuk National Technic University (2 points of connection), the Poltava State Pedagogical University, the Poltava Institute of Business, the Ukraine Medical Stomatological Academy and the Poltava Department of National Yaroslav Mudry Law academy are put into operation in Poltava.

November 2006. The fiber optic segments of URAN Network connecting the National Medical Academy (4 points of connection), the National Mining University (6 points of connection), the Pridneprovska Academy of Civil Engeeniting and Archnitecture, the Institute of Permanent Special Education of Prydniprovska State Academy of Civil Engeeniting and Archnitecture, the Dnipropetrovsk Regional Institute of Public Administration of the National Academy of Public Administration under the President of Ukraine and the intercity node of JSC "Datagroup" are put into operation in Dnipropetrovsk.

November 1, 2006. The 100 Mbps Kyiv-Kharkiv channel leased from JSC "Datagropu" is put onto operation. The leased form JSC "Ukrtekecom" channel closed off.

October 2006. The Kharkiv National University of radioelectronic and the Kharkiv National University of Economics are connected to URAN network by optic fibers in Kharkiv.

October 2006. Labaratory building of Marine Hydrophysical Institute of NAS of Ukraine (2 points of connection), the College of Civil Engineering, the Sevastopol National Technic University (education buildings, hostels and library building) and the Sevastopol Humanitarian Municipal University are connected to URAN network by optic fibers in Sevastopol.

July 1, 2006. The 100 Mbps Kyiv-Odessa Channekl leased from JSC "Datagroup" is put into operation. The leased from JSC "Ukrtelecom" channel closed off.

June 2006. The fiber optic segments of URAN Network connecting the Odessa National Polytechnic University, an educational building of the Odessa National I. Mechnikov University, the Odessa Regional Institute of Public Administration of the National Academy of Public Administration under the President of Ukraine and the National Law Academy are put into operation in Odessa.

June 2006. The fiber optic segments of URAN Network connecting the Odesa National I. Mechnikov University, the Odessa National Marine Academy, the Odessa National Marine University, the South-Ukrainian State Pedagogical University, the Odesa A. Popov National Academy of Telecommunications and the intercity node of JSC "Datagroup" are put into operation in Odessa.

May 2006. The fiber optic segment connecting the Marine Hydrophysical Institute of NAS of Ukraine to URAN network is put into operation in Sevastopol.

May 2006. The fiber optic segments of URAN Network connecting the intercity node of JSC "Datagroup" and the Kharkiv National Karazin University to URAN network are put into operation in Kharkiv.

April 6, 2006. The Constituent Assembly of URAN Association took place in Kyiv. See archive. The text of Constitutive Agreement on Foundation and Activities of the Association of Users of Ukrainian Research and Academic Network URAN is approved. The procedure of legal registration for URAN Association is started.