News and activities 1996-2005


February 2005. Fiber optic segments of URAN Network connecting the Kyiv National University of building and architecture, the education building of the National M. Dragomanov Pedagogical University, the National O. Bogomolets Medical University, the Kyiv National V. Getman Economic University and The Ukrainian Academy for Public Administration under the President of Ukraine are put into operation in Kyiv.

February 2005. The fiber optic segments of URAN Network connecting the A. Kovalevsky Institute of Biology of the Southern Seas of NAS of Ukraine, the Sevastopol Central Library for Children and the education building of Sevastopol National Technic University are put into operation in Sevastopol.

February 2005. The fiber optic segments of URAN Network connecting the Odessa National I. Mechnikov University and the Odessa National Polytechnic University are put into operation in Odessa.

January 2005. The fiber optic segment of URAN Network connecting the National Aviation University to URAN network is put into operation in Kyiv.


November 2004. The fiber optic segment connecting the intercity node of JSC "Ukrtelecom" and the National Technic University "Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute" is put into operation in Kharkiv.

October 21, 2004. The channel to Kyiv National University of Building and Architecture is widen from 384k to 1,5M.

October 8, 2004. The channel Kyiv-Dnipropetrovsk is widen from 256 to 512k.

August 1, 2004. The channel to Internet 2M via terrestrial primary network of Ukrtelecom is put into operation. URAN ceased the use of satellte data transfer technologies and passed totally to terrestrial ones. Satellite downlink chanel (SkyVision-Ukraine) is stopped.

July 26, 2004. The channel to The UNESCO International Rasearch and Training Centre of Informational Technologies and Systems (Kyiv) is widen from 128 to 512k. The channel to the Main Astronomical Observatory of NASU is widen from 128 to 256k.

July 5, 2004. The channel to International Scientific Technical University (Kyiv) is widen from 64 to 128k.

May 23, 2004. The channel Kyiv-Vinnitsa 64k is put into operation. Vinnitsa national Technology university is connected to URAN.

May 11, 2004. Kyiv national university of Technology and Design is connected to URAN, 2M.

May 1, 2004. The bandwidth of the channel to Internet (SkyVision-Ukraine) is widen from 1,75 to 2,0M.

April 2004. The main URAN router Cisco 3640 is replaced by more powerful model Cisco 7507.

April 1, 2004. New tariff plan of provided services based on Internet access bandwidth is implemented. Prices according to old tariff plans based on consumed traffic are decreased. Discount is 8% to 24% depending of connection. Some new services are introduced. See Additionnal services.

March 2004. Electric power backup system is implemented at the URAN node in NTUU "KPI.

March 1, 2004. The bandwidth of the channel to Internet (SkyVision-Ukraine) is widen from 1,5 to 1,75M.

February 2004. An optic fiber cable was installed between the main network operational centre of URAN and the node of Ukrtelecom in Kyiv. The router Cisco 7206 VXR funded by NATO grant is installed in the main network operational centre of URAN. The ATM-link with bandwidth 155M is organized for interurban and international traffic including GÉANT's one.

February 6, 2004. Operators of Ukrainian research and academic networks

  1. Charitable foundation "Internet Users Foundation", city of Sevastopol, representing the regional research and academic network of Sevastopol and South-Western districts of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea;
  2. Charitable foundation "International Centre of Telecommunications KS-Net", city of Kyiv, representing the Kyiv regional research and academic network;
  3. State enterprise - Scientific and Telecommunication Centre "Ukrainian Academic and Research network" of the Institute of Condensed Matter Physics of NAS of Ukraine, city of Lviv, representing the research and academic network UARNet mainly of Western regions of Ukraine;
  4. JSC "Kharkiv-Online", city of Kharkiv, representing the Kharkiv regional research and academic network
  5. "Centre for European Integration" Ltd., city of Kyiv, representing the Ukrainian research and academic network URAN mainly of Central and Eastern regions of Ukraine;

have concluded the Agreement About Collaboration and Coordination of Activities. See archives.

January 1, 2004. Downlink channel 1,5M is switched from the LuckyNet teleport to the SkyVision-Ukraine one.


December 8, 2003. The channel Dnipropetrovsk-Sevastopol (Crimea) 128k is put into operation. Institute for Biology of South Seas of NASU and Sea Hydro-Physical Institute of NASU are connected to URAN in Sebastopol.

September 2003. The channel to Ukrainian Academy for Public Administration (Kyiv) is widen from 384k to 1,2M.

September 1, 2003. Downlink satellite channel 1,5M (Lucky Net) is put into operation. Downlink satellite channel 1,2M (UkrSat) is stopped.

August 31, 2003. Due of technical problems the channel Kyiv-Simferopol (Crimea) 128k is stopped.

August 10, 2003. The parity channel between URAN and KS-Net is widen from 115k to 5М and it is used for traffic between KS-Net and GÉANT.

July 1, 2003. German Culture Centre - Goethe Institute at German Embassy in Kyiv is connected to URAN.

June 2003. The channel to National Dragomanov Pedagogical University is widen from 128k to 2,25М.

May 2003. The channel 100M between NTUU KPI and the main network operational centre of URAN is established via an optic fiber cable. The perevious 1,5M channel via copper cable is taken out of service but kept as backup one.

April 25, 2003. The channel 512k between URAN network and UNREN router connected to pan-European network GÉANT is put into commission. Internet traffic is provided by JSC "Ukrtelecom".

March 17, 2003. Design of URAN web site is changed.

March 2003. Ukrainian Antarctic Centre is connected to URAN.

February 2003. National Space Agency "Ukrkosmos" is connected to URAN.

January 28, 2003. Ukrainian Academy for Public Administration (Kyiv) is connected to URAN, 384k.

January 2003. The fiber optic segment connecting the central node of URAN Network and the National Technical University of Ukraine "Kyiv Polytechnic Institute" is put into operation in Kyiv.


December 1, 2002. The Centre for European Integration is connected to the Ukrainian point of traffic exchange (UA-IX), 100M.

November 22, 2002. The channel Dnipropetrovsk-Zaporizhzhe 128k and Zaporizhzhe regional node of URAN on the basis of Zaporizhzhe National Technical University are put into operation.

October 2002. The channel Kyiv-Chernigiv and Chernigiv regional node of URAN on the basis of Chernigiv Technological University are put into operation.

October 2002. The channel Lviv-Ivano-Frankivsk (under operational control of "UARNet") and Ivano-Frankivsk regional node of URAN on the basis of Ivano-Frankivsk State University of Oil and Gas are put into commission.

September 2002.The channel to Kyiv National University of Building and Architecture is widen from 64 to 384k.

September 1, 2002. The channel Kyiv-Simferopol 128k and Crimea regional centre of URAN on the basis of Tavria National Vernadskij University are put into commission.

August 2002. The channel Kyiv-Dnipropetrovsk is widen from 64 to 256k.

August 1, 2002. The channel Kyiv-Lugansk 128k and Lugansk regional node of URAN on the basis of East-Ukrainian State Vladimir Dal University are put into operation.

June 1, 2002. The channel Kyiv-Kharkiv is widen from 128 to 512k and is given for operational control to JSC "Kharkiv on-line." According to the reached agreement, JSC "Kharkiv on-line" becomes an official operator in North-East region of Ukraine.

May 1, 2002. The channel Kyiv-Lviv is given for operational control to State owned enterprise "UARNet." According to the reached agreement "UARNet" becomes an official operator in West region of Ukraine.


November 20, 2001.Technoluch Ltd. (Research and Producing O.E. Paton Complex), Kyiv, is connected to URAN, 128k.

November 8, 2001. The second satellite channel UkrSat 1.2M is put into operation.

September 2001. The building of Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine (16, blvr.Shevchenko) is connected to URAN.

July 2001. National Dragomanov Pedagogical University is connected to URAN, 128k.

April 2001. Kyiv National Trade and Economic University is connected to URAN, 64k.

April 1, 2001. New acceptable tariffs lower at approximately 8 % than previous are set at the meeting of the Coordinative Council.

March 10, 2001. Satellite downlink chanel InterPacket 512k is stopped.

March 1, 2001. The two-way satellite channel 1M (SkyVision-Ukraine) is put into operation.

March 1, 2001. The channel Kyiv-Kharkiv is widen from 64k to 128k.

January 2001, Kyiv National University of Building and Architecture connects to URAN, 64k.


December 23, 2000. The channel Kyiv- Rivne is given for operatonal control to State owned enterprise "UARNet".

December 15, 2000.The bandwidth of two-way satellite channel InterPacket is increased from 256k to 512k.

November 2000. The URAN network receives the first state support (UAH 300'000, approx. $ 55'000) in the framework of the National Informatization Programme for Ukraine. Earlier the URAN project was mainly financed due to international grants.

October 2000.Institute of Content and Methods of Education of Pedagogical Academy of Science of Ukraine, 64k.

October 7, 2000.The new acceptable tariffs about 22 % lower than previous are set at the meeting of the Coordinative Council.

July 2000.The Main Astronomical Observatory of NASU, 64k.

May 26, 2000. Bandwidth of terrestrial communication channel is increased from 128k to 256k.

May 1, 2000. The project of 2-nd phase of URAN development is given for examination to NATO Scientific department. The supposed financial support from NATO is $ 250'000.

April 2001. The JSC Centre for European Integration is reregistered as Ltd.

The bandwidth of terrestrial communication channel is increased from 64 k to 128 k.

March 2000.The main networking centre of URAN is relocated in the building of Ministry of Education of Ukraine which is sided to the building of Ukrtelecom.

March 23, 2000. 1M channel from LuckyNet is put into operation.

March 9, 2000. The channel Kyiv-Rivne is put into operation, 128k.

March 1, 2000. Ukrainian Centre for Distance Education on the basis of NTUU KPI is connected to URAN.

February 2000. The channel to TUU is widen from 128k to 1,5M.

January 2000. The UNESCO International Rasearch and Training Centre of Informational Technologies and Systems is connected to URAN, 128k.


December 1999. The communication channel with KS-Net (115k) is put into operation.

November 1999. The International Finance University (Kyiv) is connected to URAN.

November 1999. International Scientific Technical University (Kyiv) is connected to URAN.

November 1, 1999. Satellite downlink channel 256k InterPacket is put into operation.

October 1, 1999. URAN starts functioning. The two-way terrestrial external channel 64k is put into operation (Ukrtelecom).

The following channels are put into operation:

  • Kyiv - Odessa (Odesa State Politechnic University), 64k;
  • Kyiv - Kharkiv (Kharkiv Politechnic University), 64k;
  • Kyiv - Dnipropetrovsk (State Academy of Mines), 64k;
  • Kyiv - Lviv (State University "Lvivska Politekhnica"), 64k;

NTUU KPI is also connected to URAN, 128k.

June - September 1999. The main network operational centre of URAN on the basis of NTUU KPI in the building of National Dragomanov Pedagogical University and regional centres in Odessa, Kharkiv, Dnipropetrovsk, Lviv, Donetsk are created.

August 2, 1999. Work begins on the development of the web-site of URAN.


February 27, 1998. The new official name of the network "Ukrainian Research and Academic Network" (URAN) is approved at the General Meeting of Association pf URAN users. See archives.


November 11, 1997. The application is directed to the Scientific Department of NATO for the grant on creation of the infrastructure of Ukrainian Academic and Research Data Network (UARDN).

September 1997. JSC "Centre for European Integration" is registered.

June - November 1997. Working out on the project "National Telecommunication network of establishments of Science and Education with access to Internet (UARDN)."

July 4, 1997. The meeting of Association of users of the National Telecommunication network of educational and scientific establishments. See archives.

June 27, 1997. The Statute of Association of users of the National Telecommunication network of educational and scientific establishments is approved.

June 20, 1997. The joint decree of NASU Presidium and Ministry of Education of Ukraine "About Foundation of Association of URAN Network users and Center for European Integration". See archives.


June 1996. The action group is created on the basis of Ministry of Education and NASU.