URAN Network


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Kyiv map

  1. Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine (MESU), URAN Network Operation Center – Shevchenka Blvd., 16
  2. Ukrainian Internet Traffic Exchange Point UA-IX – Leontovicha St., 9
  3. National M. Dragomanov Pedagogical University (NPU) – Pirogova St., 9
  4. Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine – Peremogy Ave., 10
  5. National Technical University of Ukraine “Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute (KPI)” – Peremogy Ave., 37
  6. KPI, hostels – Borschagivska St., Vyborgska St., Metalistiv St.
  7. KPI, educational building – Industrialny lane, 2
  8. National Aviation University (NAU) – Komarova Ave., 1
  9. Kyiv National University of Construction and Architecture (KNUBA) – Povitroflotsky Ave., 31
  10. KNUBA, hostel – Volynska St., 9/21
  11. NPU, educational building, hostel – Osvity St., 6, 6A
  12. National O. Bogomolets Medical University – Peremogy Ave., 34
  13. Kyiv National V. Hetman Economic University (KNEU) – Peremogy Ave., 54/1
  14. National Academy of Public Administration under the President of Ukraine (NAPA) – E. Potie St., 20
    NAPA, hostel - Perovskoi St., 5
  15. National Transport University (NTU) – Suvorova St., 1
  16. Kyiv National University of Technology and Design (KNUTD)– Nemirovicha-Danchenko St., 2
  17. Institute for Higher Education of Academy of Pedagogical Sciences (APS) of Ukraine – Bastionna St., 9
  18. KNUTD, hostels – Kikvidze St., 11B, 13B
  19. KNUTD, hostels – Kikvidze St., 33, 35
  20. NTU, educational building – Kikvidze St., 42
  21. International University of Finances - Peremogy Ave., 37
  22. Bogomoletz Institute of Physiology of NASU - Bogomoltza St., 4
  23. KNUBA, hostels - Kryvonosa St., 4, 6, Osvity St., 7
  24. Main directorate of education and science of State administration of the city of Kyiv - Shevchenka Blvd., 3
  25. Main directorate of education and science of State administration of the Kyiv region - Khreshchatyk St., 6
  26. Military institute of telecommunication and informatization of KPI;
    Institute of special telecommunication and protection of information of KPI - Moskovska St., 45/1
  27. Institute of applied system analysis of KPI and NASU - Panasa Myrnogo St., 19
  28. Kyiv palace of children and youth - Mazepy St.;13
  29. Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics (KNUTE) - Kioto St., 19
  30. State Scientific and Technical Library of Ukraine;
    Ukrainian Institute of Scientific, Technical and Economical Information - Gorkogo St., 180
  31. Institute of Pedagogical Education for Adults of APS of Ukraine;
    Institute of Upbringing Problems of APS of Ukraine;
    Institute of Special Pedagogic of APS of Ukraine;
    Institute of Information Technology and Means of Education of APS of Ukraine;
    State V. Sukhomlynsky Scientific Pedagogical Lybrary of Ukraine - Berlinskogo St., 9
  32. NAPA, educational building - Pugachova St., 12/2
  33. KNEU, educational building - Melnikova St., 79
  34. NAU, educational building - Metrobudivska, 5A
  35. Open Inernational University for Human Development "Ukraine" - Lvivska St., 23
  36. NAPA, hostel;
    NAPA, educational building;
    Kyiv National Taras Shevchenko University (KNU), Institute of International Relations - Melnikova St., 36/1
  37. Kyiv State M. Boychuk Institute for design, arts and crafts - Kikvidze St., 32
  38. NTU, hostel - Kudri St., 32
  39. Kurdiumov Institute for Physics of Metals of NASU - Vernadskogo Blvd., 36
    Institute of Magnetism of NASU and MESU - Vernadskogo Blvd., 38
  40. V.I.Vernadsky Institute of General and Inorganic Chemistry of NASU - Vernadskogo Blvd., 32/34
    Institute of Environmental Geochemistry of NASU - Palladina Ave., 34À
  41. S.I.Subbotin Institute of Geophysics of NASU - Palladina Ave., 32
  42. NPU, hostels - Kosmichna St, 8, 8A, 8B, 8V
  43. Yu.Bugai International scientific and technical university - Magnitigorsky lane, 3
  44. National University of food technologies - Volodymyrska St., 68
  45. Kyiv National Linguistic University (KNLU) - Chervonoarmiyska St., 73
  46. KNLU, educational building - Laboratorna St., 5/17
  47. KNUTD, hostel - Rudanskogo St., 2
  48. Kyiv National Taras Shevchenko University (KNU) - Volodymyska St., 60
  49. International Bank for Reconstruction and Development, Country Office in Ukraine - 1, Dniprovskiy Uzviz, 1
  50. National Amosov Institute of Cardiovascular Surgery of NAMSU - Amosova St., 6
  51. National Janowski Institute of Tuberculosis and Pulmonology of NAMSU - Amosova St., 10
  52. Ukrainian Clinical Medical Rehabilitation Cardiac Surgery Center of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine - Amosova St., 8
  53. The National Defence University of Ukraine named after Ivan Cherniakhovskyi - Povitroflotskyi Ave., 28
  54. KNUTE, educational building - Chigorina, 57A